Become a UKU qualified coach with help from MESH

MESH aims to showcase and highlight the talent amongst minority ethnic groups in UK Ultimate, both on and off the field, to inspire the next generation of athletes and leaders. This month, MESH is helping UK Ultimate members from Minority Ethnic groups gain their UKU Level 1 Coaching qualification.

There are not enough coaches from a Minority Ethnic background in UK Ultimate. Having coaching qualifications from UKU can open more doors and give you the confidence to coach others. The UKU Level 1 accreditation is the first step on the coaching pathway for players who want to coach or lead, whether in schools, junior clubs, university clubs, adult clubs or even GB Futures hubs.

No previous coaching experience is required, the qualification fee will be subsidised by MESH, and it’s open to all UK Ultimate members from Minority Ethnic backgrounds.

For more details and to get involved, please email


April Mixed Ranking Events - Confirmed Uni Fans Teams and Reading Half Entry Open!


Windfarm 2022 - Entries are open!